3D Compilation
Study projects and personal works // 2013 - 2018

3D Scanning and Mapping - Environment Application
In this project I made a self-portrait by mapping 360 of my face (using Kinect) and then composing it with an environment. In this case, it was decided to make a sculpture by attaching it to the torso of Michelangelo's David and then apply it to some Greco-Roman ruins and in a photomontage as a decorative work in New York's Central Station.

Japanese Room - Modeling & shading
Original model of a room in a neo-traditional Japanese house.

iPad & Headphones - Modeling & shading
Original modeling of an iPad and headphones for future integration into a real photograph.

Pub - Modeling & shading
Original model of an Irish Pub.

Thank you!
3D Compilation

3D Compilation
